Whittier Area Genealogical Society
Whittier Area Genealogical Society

Resources for Whittier Research

Here are some local, free online  resources that may help you in your family history search in Whittier.
Whittier Public Library
The library's Local History web page includes a number of valuable resources for Whittier research:
Microfilm Search - Obituaries and Articles
Research Appointments
Photographic Reproductions
RESEARCH GUIDES Municipal History Books
Researching the History of Your Whittier Home
Local History Resources
Oral Histories
Local Newspaper
Vertical Files
Books, Periodicals & Texts
Whittier Museum & Historical Society The Whittier Museum website highlights many aspects of the history of Whittier.  Here are some highlights of what is available:
EXHIBITS The Whittier Museum's permanent exhibit collection depicts many aspects of Whittier history, including agriculture, Quaker settlers, and Whittier College.  They also highlight notable local figures, such as Richard Nixon and Pio Pico.
RESEARCH The museum's Library & Archive Department is open to the public for research by appointment, and for limit hours.  There is no charge for the public to use the Historical Society's archives, but there may be charges for photocopies and reproductions.
What's New on FamilySearch FamilySearch Library
Here are some of the Whittier resources that are available online at FamilySearch.org.  
You may need to create a FamilySearch account and sign into it in order to access these resources:
FAMILYSEARCH CATALOG Pioneer Families of Whittier, by Virginia Mathony
Whittier Revisited, They First 100 Years, by Virginia Mathony, 1991
Broadway Cemetery Records, 1882-1947, compiled by the City of Whittier, 1972
Mount Olive Cemetery Records, 1888-1958, compiled by the City of Whittier, 1972
Mount Olive and Broadway Cemeteries, Eugene C. Wilson, 1967
Whittier Sixth Ward History, 1935-1988, Rhea Wilson Jorgenson
The Cardinal, Whittier High School yearbooks, 1941, 1944, 1945, 1954 available online
FAMILYSEARCH WIKI Los Angeles County Records
Whittier, California article and links
Links | Whittier Museum Links to Additional Area Resources
If you are aware of any other area resources that could prove valuable for Whittier area research,  email webmaster@wagswhittier.org, and we will consider adding them to either the Research page or the Links page.